Past President Charlene Staples and Ellen Holly left on December 1st for the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in a 22-foot rented truck loaded to the max with supplies for the residents of the reservation
Through the generosity of several organizations, to include Tent 23, they were able to collect winter clothing, quilts, linens, food, and household supplies. In addition to these donations, they also received monetary donations which were used to assist with travel expenses.
The duo has been making the trip to the Rez twice a year for the past ten years. Holly has been traveling to Pine Ridge for 23 years bringing donated items from Wisconsin.
Pine Ridge is the poorest reservation in the country. The median family income is only $26,000 a year. They have established a homeless veterans shelter which Tent 23 has supportef for the past ten years, donating items that the veterans have requested. (See photos below.)
Thanks to the generosity of the members of Tent 23, our adopted veteran from the "Housing 4 Us" homeless shelter in Janesville will enjoy a wonderful Christmas season.
The Tent was able to donate all items on Dylan's wish list to include multiple pairs of socks, a six (6) quart Ninja Air Fryer and Walmart gift cards which totaled $275.00.
The Tent has participated in the Christmas Adopt a Vet program for several years and plans to continue to do so. This year alone, the homeless shelter has 39 clients that they provide housing for. Each veteran has his own room or shares a room in the former and remodeled Caravilla Nursing Home.
Not only has the Tent remembered Dylan at this wonderful time of the year, but they have sent candy packets and holiday cards to all of the veteran residents at the facility.
On Saturday, October 26th the Allied Orders honored Stephen Keiser, Co. D of the 16th Wisconsin Infantry. Because of a grave misunderstanding 126 years ago, the First German Evangelical Church in Racine did not conduct a funeral service allowing the Grand Army of the Republic to provide ritual practices that they used at a funeral for a comrade. Present to honor Keiser at this gravesite were the Woman's Relief Corps, the Ladies of the Grand Army of th Republic, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865, Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War and the Auxiliary to the Sons of Union Veterans.
duvs Convention Booklet
The following article was written by Tent 23 duv Natalie Scott. It was published in the duvs Convention Booklet, which was produced for the 2024 National Convention.
In 1864, the prison site in Andersonville was official. This prison would start to gain 400 imprisoned Union soldiers daily. One of these soldiers was Erastus Gould who is a Great-Uncle to Judy Manning and Pam Wanasek of Mary Chesebro Lee Detached Tent 23, Delavan, Wisconsin. Erastus had a brother named John who was in the Union army with Erastus but was not imprisoned. John would later move to Wisconsin and stayed there. Erastus Gould was born around 1838 to 1839 in Gibsonville, New York. On October 9, 1861 when he was 22, he enlisted in the Union army, Company C, 104th New York Volunteer Infantry. Then, in the battle of Gettysburg, on July 1, 1863 he was taken prisoner. He was placed in the Andersonville prison, where a year later, he died of diarrhea on July 6, 1864. The Andersonville Prison treated Union soldiers horribly. About 13,000 prisoner deaths are recorded there. Many were shot by the Confederate prison guards, but many died as well from disease and starvation. The condition of the prison was unsuitable. A maggot -infested, trash-filled swamp was their source of water. There is a chance Erastus had contracted disease in the prison. His brother John, on the other hand, had a different experience. Born on April 7, 1843, he joined Erastus and enlisted in Company C, 104th NY Infantry on October 9, 1861. On December 1, 1864, John was promoted to Sergeant, and mustered out on July 17, 1865 with the rank of 1st Sergeant. He moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin, met and married Augusta Ayers in 1874, and raised 8 children. In 1894, the family moved to Walworth County, where he prospered as a farmer and a well-respected citizen. He was a member of the G.A.R., Charles H. Ford Post #258 in Galesville, Wisconsin. He passed away in the Milwaukee Soldiers Home on December 29, 1917. He is buried in Delavan. The conditions endured by prisoners at Andersonville should never be forgotten. Erastus was only one of about 45,000 prisoners who spent time there. Thanks to Erastus, John, and other soldiers, we are a united country today. John and his family had a fresh start in Wisconsin and made sure the story of his brother Erastus survives to be retold.
Written by Natalie Scott, Tent 23 duv
With 2023 drawing to a close, Tent 23 has once again put our veterans at the forefront with their generosity. Supporting the homeless veterans shelters at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota with needed supplies, the Tent also provided holiday cards and candy packets for the homeless veterans residing at Housing 4 Our Vets in Janesville, Wisconsin. They also adopted a vet from that program and supplied all of the Christmas gifts on his wish list. Cards were sent to the Zablocki Medical facility for Veterans in Milwaukee as well as the William S. Middleton Memorial Hospital in Madison. Current marines were honored at Twenty Nine Palms in California with framed thank you certificates while nearly 200 Vietnam veterans were thanked for their service in Wisconsin with lapel pins.
The very last existing muster tree in the State of Wisconsin has succumbed to the ravages of age and disease. The Delavan Civil War Muster Tree was taken down on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 after efforts had been made to save the historic tree. The entire process took approximately two (2) hours. A portion of the trunk was left standing with hopes that a carving commemorating the significance of the historic tree can be made. Designated as one of Wisconsin’s famous and historic trees, the 250 year old bur oak witnessed Civil War history between 1861-1865 when Union soldiers from Walworth County mustered under it before leaving by rail for training camps in Racine, Milwaukee and Madison. Mary Chesebro Lee Detached Tent 23, wishing to keep Civil War history alive, has donated $1000 toward the carvings on the remaining trunk of the tree of a Civil War soldier and our namesake, Mary Lee, who was a nurse during the Civil War.
The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration
Commemorative Partner Program
Tent 23 has been a viable partner in this program since it was originated. As members it has been our mission to honor those who were often forgotten. Most recently, the Tent in conjunction with two other lineal societies honored 115 veterans and their families at Warner Park in Madison during Veterans Appreciation Night at the Mallard baseball game.
The June 2023 meeting of Tent 23 found several of our members gathered at the historic Delavan Muster Tree also known as the Civil War Tree for a group photo. The Muster tree, the only remaining one in Wisconsin, is no longer viable and eventually will be lost to disease and insect infestation. Our Civil War ancestors met at this tree before boarding the train a block away to Camp Randall in Madison or Camp Utley in Racine. The Tent has offered numerous suggestions for the commemoration of this tree to include a relief carving of Union soldiers in the trunk of the tree in the event that it is “taken down”.
Alonzo Chase Gravestone Restoration
Tent 23 made a financial contribution to the restoration of the Alonzo Chase gravestone restoration. Chase was buried in the Old Settlers Cemetery in Delavan. His stone was vandalized many years ago. The project conducted by Frank Landi of Delavan will come to fruition by Veterans Day 2022 when the Bosman Monument Company of Kenosha places the restored grave “monument” back in its original place in the cemetery.
Col. Hans Christian Heg- hero, Norwegian immigrant, civic leader and abolitionist was the highest ranking Wisconsin soldier to give his life in the Civil War at the Battle of Chickamauga. The statue, originally placed at the Capitol Square in Madison in 1926 had been vandalized in 2020. After restoration, the monument was rededicated to the people of Wisconsin in a ceremony on May 29th at the Capitol Square. The 1st Brigade Band along with the Edvard Grieg Chorus provided the musical entertainment. The ceremony, conducted by the Sons and Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War included a rifle detail, wreath ceremony, guest speakers and the introduction of 25 descendants of Col. Hans Heg. Pat Blackmer laid a wreath on behalf of Tent 23.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Mary Chesebro Lee Detached Tent 23 celebrated its 10th Anniversary on June 25th at the Bassett House in Whitewater. The gala consisted of a light luncheon, a Memorial Service honoring deceased sisters and recognition of our Charter Members, as well as other Sisters in attendance. Also attending were DUVCW National President, Norma Fiedler, National Chief-of-Staff, Mary Ellen Fryer and National Parliamentarian, Linda Holzhausen. (Below is a photo of our charter members who were in attendance.)
The Mary Chesebro Lee, Detached Tent 23 completed their 2021 historic preservation project with the cleaning of the Civil War Monument located in Spring Grove Cemetery in Delavan, Wisconsin. The project was completed a week before Veterans Day.
The seventeen foot tall monument honors 76 Civil War soldiers from the Delavan area who were casualties of the Great Rebellion. The monument was donated by James and Susan Aram and was installed at the cemetery on Memorial Day in 1870.
Tent 23 had applied for and received the Getzen Grant for restoration and maintenance of cemeteries in Walworth County. The annual grant is administered by the Walworth County Historical Society and was in the amount of $1,000.
The Tent had been instrumental in the initial preservation of the monument in 2012 when a major restoration of the structure was undertaken. Tent 23 also pursued Landmark status for the monument which was granted at a ceremony in 2016 and attended by members from all of the Allied Orders. Since the 2012 restoration, the monument has acquired significant mold, lichen and staining requiring cleaning.
The Tent contracted the Good Tree Service from East Troy who used a bucket truck to reach the pedestal and stately eagle. With the application of the biologic agent D/2 and significant scrubbing, the monument was cleaned. A final application of D/2 was applied to allow for additional cleansing from Wisconsin’s impending rain and snow.
Submitted by Pat Blackmer, President, Detached Tent 23, WI
Photo shows the Good Tree Service cleaning crew and how they tackled the project.
(Southern Memorial and Wreath Cemetery)
In accordance with the wishes of our Civil War ancestors who were members of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), wreaths are to be placed at 57 different cemeteries on Memorial Day.
Tent 23 has adopted the Corinth and Memphis National Cemeteries where they will place a wreath to commemorate the 2021 Memorial Day.
Wisconsin's Role at the Battle of Corinth:
The 8th, 14th, 16th, 17th, and 18th Wisconsin Infantry regiments and the 6th as well as the 12th Wisconsin Light Artillery batteries helped defend the city.
Wisconsin’s Role in Memphis:
The 40th Wisconsin Infantry (100 days, 1864) Moved to Memphis, Tenn., June 14-19, 1864. Attached to Post and Defences of Memphis, District of West Tennessee. Garrison, railroad guard and picket duty at and about Memphis, Tenn., till September. Repulse of Forest's attack on Memphis August 21.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tent 23 has been a constant supporter of our veterans and current military personnel. Supporting the Housing 4 Our Vets program in Janesville, WI with annual donations of clothing, hygiene supplies, holiday cards and candy, we Tent also participated in the “Adopt a Vet” program providing items for that person from a Christmas “wish list”. The Tent is in the process of constructing 25-30 lap blankets with the intent of donating them to a State Veterans Home.
(see photos below)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DELAVAN CIVIL WAR MONUMENT LOCAL LANDMARK STATUS: Marking the end of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War in 2015, the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865, Mary Chesebro Lee Detached Tent 23 of Delavan sought and received landmark status for the Civil War Monument located in the historic Spring Grove Cemetery in Delavan, WI.
The lineal organization approached Dan Kilkenny, chairman of the Spring Grove Cemetery Board with their request and was notified at the end of May that it had received permission from the Board to proceed. The Tent contacted Delavan’s Mayor, Mel Nieuwenhuis who presented a proclamation at a ceremony on Saturday, August 29th at Spring Grove designating the iconic Civil War Monument as a Landmark.
The Monument which was erected in 1870, was donated by Delavan benefactors, James and Susan Aram. Italian immigrant sculptor, John Bossi designed the marble and limestone structure at a cost of $1200. The Monument was originally dedicated on Delavan’s Decoration Day ceremony on May 30, 1870 which was presided over by James Aram. It is interesting to note that during the Civil War, when the population of Delavan was depleted by the number of volunteers enlisting, Aram personally paid $145 each for 14 volunteers from Madison to fill President Lincoln’s quota.
The Monument was extensively restored and conserved largely through the efforts of the Civil War Restoration Project Task Force chaired by, Ken Wargo. Corporate, individual and organizational donations in excess of $20,000 made possible this effort. The Civil War Monument which was rededicated at the 2014 Memorial Day Ceremony, stands proudly as a testament to the fifty-seven “Boys in Blue” from the Delavan area who gave their lives for our great country.
In attendance at the historic program was the First Brigade Band from Watertown, Wisconsin. The band of authentic historic reenactors played a selection of Civil War songs including “Lorena” which was written by our Walworth County’s historic composer, Joseph P. Webster during the Civil War. Our Brothers from C.K. Pier Camp 1, Milwaukee, Major General John Gibbon Camp 4, Waukesha, Colonel Hans Heg Camp 15 of Wind Lake and The Grand Army of the Republic Post 8 were also in attendance at the event where Past National Commander of the Sons of the Union Veterans, Steve Michaels was the keynote speaker.Click here to view slide show.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As we observe the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War the Mary Chesebro Lee Detached Tent #23 has become proud partners with the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration. As a grateful nation, we need to honor and thank our Vietnam Veterans and their families. The objectives of this organization include “highlighting the service of the Armed Forces during the Vietnam War and the contributions of Federal agencies”, “paying tribute to the contributions made on the home front by people of the USA”, “highlighting the advances of technology, science and medicine related to military research”, “recognizing the contributions and sacrifices made by the allies of the United States” and “ thanking and honoring veterans of the Vietnam War and the families of veterans”.
The 13 year program of commemoration will include programs and materials that can be viewed on the website developed for this event: As an NSDAR chapter, we are eager to begin the commemoration honoring more than 58,000 patriots whose names are etched in granite because of their ultimate sacrifice and more than 1600 of our service members who are still missing as well as our wounded warriors from whom we drew inspiration. And we must remember it is never too late to pay tribute to the men and women who fought and returned. These individuals as the others mentioned deserve our complete respect and heartfelt thanks from a grateful nation.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ENCAMPMENT 2015: Once again the Walworth County Historical Society (WCHS) hosted an encampment commemorating the Civil War. The Grand Army of the Republic, Post #8 Senior Re-enactors from Wisconsin returned and set up camp. The re-enactors answered questions about life for soldiers and sailors during the Civil War and displayed genuine items a soldier would carry. The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Cordelia Harvey Tent #21 of Manitowoc set up a women's civilian camp and displayed needlework of the time (Huck towels) and gave a demonstration of quilting, allowing visitors to try their hand. Children participated in a scavenger hunt and were given a prize if they found all the items on the list. Sisters from Tent #23 served dinner on Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon guests were treated to a style show of both soldiers wear and period costumes. Laurie Shawhan demonstrated the language of the fan. Click on image to enlarge.
The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War,Tent #23 of Delavan will conduct its second CEMETERY WALK at Spring Grove on Saturday, August 16th from 1:00-3:30 pm: To continue raising funding for the Civil War Monument located there. It is hoped that the monument will be able to achieve landmark status through this effort. The walk will include a tour of the mausoleum which was erected in 1911 and contains 12 Civil War soldiers who are encrypted there. Re-enactors will portray philanthropists James and Susan Aram as well as Dr. D.B. Devendorf who was a physician in the Civil War and returned to Delavan to establish his practice. Civil War era medical instruments will be on display at his gravesite. The story of Professor Rodliff Allen Palmer, a Civil War soldier and circus aerialist who ascended in hot air balloons will be related by his sister, Sarah Palmer who was a portrait artist. John Gould’s Civil War heroics will be retold by his great granddaughter. A detailed report on the conservation and restoration of the Civil War monument will be included on the tour of the historic cemetery. Guided tours will be conducted at 1:00 pm and 2:30 pm with self-guided tours available upon arrival. Donations are suggested so that the Daughters may continue with their mission of preserving the history of their ancestors who fought in the Civil War.
ENCAMPMENT 2014: Continuing to fulfill the mission of collecting, preserving and sharing the rich history of Walworth County the Walworth County Historical Society (WCHS) hosted an encampment commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Civil War and the Spanish American War of 1898. Participants included the Grand Army of the Republic, Post #8 Senior Re-enactors from Wisconsin and members of the Sons of Spanish American War Veterans from Illinois. In addition, a women’s civilian camp was set up by the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Cordelia Harvey Tent #21 of Manitowoc. Special events included a picnic dinner hosted by the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Mary Chesebro Lee, Tent #23 of Delavan who also provided the campers with breakfast the following morning, a flag raising ceremony, an old-fashioned camp worship service and an ice cream social hosted by the WCHS on Sunday. During the ice cream social, the “Outdated D’s”, a roving barbershop quartet entertained the visitors. While weather was a factor Saturday evening and caused a great deal of excitement when torrential rains hit the camp, Sunday was beautiful and the events were well attended. The re-enactors enjoyed the event so much that plans are in the works for a return in 2015. Click on image to enlarge.
TENT #23 WAS EXTREMELY SURPRISED AND DEFINITELY PLEASED to be presented with an American flag from our Navy “nephew” James Stone. We had adopted James and his buddies by sending care packages overseas. On leave during the holidays, James stopped to present the flag to tent President, Pat Blackmer at her home. The flag was flown in combat over Afganistan on board a B-1B Bomber in support of Operation Enduring Freedom by the 9th Expeditonary Bomb Squadron in July and again in October with the VP-1 Combat Air Crew 6 aboard USN P-3C Orion which was also a mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. We are proud of our nephew and thank he and his buddies for their service to our great county. Click on image to enlarge.
TENT #23 PARTICIPATED IN THE FIRST ANNUAL WALWORTH COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHRISTMAS TREE WALK by the invitation of sister Merrybell Seeber who was in charge of the holiday event by decorating a post Civil War table tree. Sister, Shirley Peterson who is a creative crafter provided the ornaments, cranberry strands and a pickle to complete the decorations. In addition, candle clips and candles we added to the festive tree to complete the mid nineteenth century look. We even had a water bucket just in case! Click on image to enlarge.
CONTINUED SUPPORT FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE 1870 CIVIL WAR MONUMENT: In an effort to continue our support for the Delavan Civil War Monument Restoration, chaplain Shirley Peterson organized a huge and successful fundraiser for the tent. We were able to raise $639.60 through the sale of Butter Braids which are a delicious pastry. We are lucky to have such dedicated and innovative sisters in our group!
TENT #23 LAUNCHED A NEW PROJECT AT THEIR AUGUST MEETING: Sister Barbara Hale has a nephew who is currently serving in the U.S. Navy at a base in the Persian Gulf. We have adopted him and his “Navy buddies” and will be providing care packages containing a variety of items. We thank our current military for their service which insures our freedom. Just imagine, Barb’s nephew now has nearly 40 new aunts!
THE MARY CHESEBRO LEE DETACHED TENT #23 CONDUCTED A CEMETERY WALK AT SPRING GROVE ON SATURDAY, JULY 27 DURING THE HERITAGE FESTIVAL IN DELAVAN: Tours were held from 1:00-4:00 pm and the sale of limited edition books which are still available helped raise $300 toward the restoration of the Civil War monument. To date the efforts have raised $15,000 towards a completion goal of $20,000. Participants in the event were (back row from left) Ann Day, Pam Johnson, Pam Wanazak, Barbara Hale, Patti Marsicano (front row) Judith Manning, Zoe Woelky, Pat Blackmer, Ken Wargo, Merrybell Seeber, Charlene Staples and Brian Staples. Not pictured were Martha Hay and Marilyn Traver. Click on image to enlarge.
Sister Ann Day recorded the cemetery walk on video and has posted it on YouTube.
PAM'S PROJECT, PART II: Pam Johnson compiled a limited edition book regarding the Civil War Monument in Spring Grove Cemetery. The 20 page book, which was printed in color and is for sale at the price of $10, contains the monument’s unique history and restoration efforts to date. All proceeds from the sale of this book will be used to assist with the preservation of the Civil War monument. In addition, Alex Johnson (son of Pam Johnson and grandson of Pat Blackmer) has produced an artistic rendering of the monument (click on picture on the right for a larger view) which has been made into postcards, notecards and prints which are also available for sale. Alex is an art student at the University of Illinois, Springfield. (Click on "More Projects" at bottom right of this page for Pam's other project.)
All photos printed with permission.